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1-Day Online Workshop "Introduction to Configurational Comparative Methods (QCA, CNA, CORA)"

Posted 12/9/2023

For everyone interested in learning about the full range of modern configurational comparative methods, I will be offering an innovative 1-day live seminar introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), Coincidence Analysis (CNA) and Combinational Regularity Analysis (CORA).

For everyone interested in learning about the full range of modern configurational comparative methods, I will be offering an innovative 1-day live seminar introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), Coincidence Analysis (CNA) and Combinational Regularity Analysis (CORA). The main goal of this new format is to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of these methods, their commonalities and their differences. The workshop is not only perfect for new users who would like to find out what these methods can do, but also for those who are already familiar with QCA and now want to see what CNA and CORA—two significant advancements over QCA—have on offer.

The workshop will take place on 14 October 2023, and in cooperation with Instats, the leading online platform for professional methods teaching and consulting (https://instats.org). All details, including the programme, ECTS credits, and fees can be found on
